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Jimena Bohórquez-Herrera

Group Director

Research professor

Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences. 

Biology Program. 

Universidad de Cartagena

B.Sc. in Marine Biology

M.Sc. in Marine Resources Management

Ph.D. in Marine Sciences

My career in marine biology began examining "what" and "which" events occurs in the biology of species, studying fishery and biological aspects of elasmobranchs. My current research focuses on understanding "how" the structures of biological systems work, and the impact of organism performance on the functioning of ecosystems, using tools such as functional morphology, ecomorphology, biomechanics and kinematics. I got my Master in Science in Marine Resource Management analyzing feeding ecomorphology of soft bottom fishes. My doctoral thesis answered not only how structures work, but the "why" are there morphological differentiation between the skulls of male California sea lions along populations.


Those, one of my research interest is to understand the processes of phenotypic diversity and its mechanisms of adaptation to different environmental situations. By doing so, I analyze how the species interact with their ecosystems based on the antropogenic and climate change influence. I also focus on strenght marine ecosystems, while increasing economical productivity for human populations related to marine resources.


Associate Researchers

Colleagues and research associates working with us

Thesis Directions

Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

Our undergraduate, master's and doctoral students who strengthen the research processes and their academic training

Doctoral Students

Master Students

Undergraduate Students

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